We criticise the younger generation but we’re the role models…

Nothing rings more true to me right now than ‘be the change you want to see’.

I don’t think I have to say anything else. Leave your own opinions, I want to know what you all think.

12 thoughts on “We criticise the younger generation but we’re the role models…

  1. The heart is the fuel for the souls desire, by keeping the faith you will become all that you aspire, positivity will keep you on your path, ignore negative consumption or you will feel natures wrath, you are your own guide, you are your own driving force, nothing is unachievable – live the dream! x x x

  2. That is the realest statement I’ve heard today, people always seem to look for reason why things aren’t happening for them or why things go wrong. In life nothing is easy everything is hard, if you want to be great you have to work to be great. If you want people around you and the world to change it all starts with one person making that step to dare to be different and change. On we are the world it says we gotta make a change cause change starts with yourself!

    A x

  3. I think it ultimately boils down to transference really. We place all our fears and anxieties on everything but ourselves. I think it takes a brave person to face up to their shortcomings and attempt to change rather than looking for mistakes in others. Yeah, we need to start practicing what we preach a lot more.

  4. I agree with this statement buttt it’s not that black and white. I dont believe in passing blame, we are all responsible for our own lives, because of that we have the potential of making wrong choices. personaly i have and try to reason why i keep making these mistakes. and then things just happen in your life you don’t have any control over and it takes time to recover from them too. it’s not about working hard and working smart also only has a tiny influence on our lives., sometimes it’s just down to plain old luck. remember you can’t control everything that happens in your life, you can however try.

  5. Ok I do have more to say! Well I honestly think our youths lack real role models and although it’s down to parenting and schools I think we need to educate the younger generations and inspire them by more than just famous singers, rappers and TV personalities or ‘celebrities’.
    These days it’s all they are inspired to be and I think the media and the government are to blame just as much as parents. We live in an a society that promotes instant gratification and a materialistic nature. So youths want it NOW and will get it by any means possible. Their generation is our future and I think more need to be done to invest into our future. To be honest, I’m not old, and I feel that I didn’t particularly have that either. I think we’re slacking…

    1. ok hi i am well i am a teenager and dont worry i aint affended. actually i quite agree with you. i was looking up stuff for my english topic and i was actaully thinkingt hat this would be the best main topic. dont worry didnt copy and paste. but i do want to say that this is totally true

      1. Thats’s great that it’s been helpful for your assignment. I don’t mind if you’d like to use anything for a reference. If anything it might draw more attention to my blog! Thanks for your comment, and good luck in your English class.

  6. The youth of society are impressionable, as we were at their age, it is every ones duty to guide them down a decent path, parents, teachers, famous people and strangers. You can’t blame negative acts of the youth on one thing, its a combination of things, and some people, young and old are just negative and try and pass their negativity and bad habits to others, and I think once you have learnt something, especially something which is deemed socially “negative” it is damn hard to stop doing it, no matter how much people say it is socially unacceptable.

    So….in conclusion I don’t think you can criticise the youth of society, without criticising the older generation, because a lot of behaviour is learnt and some people don’t know how to set a good example.

      1. This is true but in my eyes it all starts with the parents. The problem today is that too many people have children and couldn’t care to spend any time on helping them grow into themselves. Young kids are shoved into bedrooms to play on their DS or plonked in front of a TV. They find role models in celebrities and footballers because that’s who brings them up. Parents don’t have to be exposing their kids to what’s being shown in the media. What happened to sitting down and reading books with your kids, or taking them for walks or baking cakes? Children aren’t paid any attention anymore and that’s where it all stems from. It’s rare now to find a child who would say ‘when i grow up i want to be like my mummy’, its now ‘i want to be like Hannah Montana’. There is nothing wrong with kids enjoying TV and games and liking characters from their favourite TV shows but worshiping them they way do…
        Of course, once a child reaches a certain age it’s difficult to control what their exposed to buutt… if they are brought up right in the first place then they will be inspired by a different kind of person.
        I’m not anyone special but I’d like to think I’m a nice person and have always looked up to the right people and I wasn’t brought up surrounded by material possessions. Kiri, remember when we used to get one gift at Christmas? We were over the moon with our matching barbies! Now kids expect loads of presents under the tree, they’d be disappointed with just one present. This sounds cliché I know but if parents focused more on giving their children love and attention instead gameboys and mobiles then they might just grow more as a person.
        Everyone involved in a child’s life IS responsible for guiding them, but it definitely is down to how the parents raise them from being a baby.

        Love you Kiri xxx

      2. You’re so right. Looks like our parents did a good job after all ay? 🙂 It’s great to hear everything you just said cos I know you’re gonna be an amazing mum when lil ‘blob’s born :p We we’re never privileged in a material sense but we we’re brought up with morals and respect.

        Love you too xx

  7. Very simple, very true…!

    Society real has declined, but there are still positive points out there, they just have to be highlighted as much as they highlight whatever the latest celeb/footballer is doing that is apparently so interesting. It’s nature vs nurture, we just have to make the positive more visual.

    Stay blessed and keep faith.


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